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Workplace Re-entry Program

Workplace Re-Entry

Whatever the cause of disability or leave, an employee's return to work can be hampered by behavioral health problems or poor self-management and workplace skills. The stress of coping with going back to work, organizational changes or a boss they don't like can make employees stay away longer than necessary.

Our Workplace Re-entry Program, available as an upgrade to our standard EAP solutions or as a standalone product, helps employees return to work and re-engage sooner and more effectively, with the ultimate goal of increasing productivity and preventing skyrocketing disability and worker's compensation costs. The program:

  • Addresses core behavioral issues affecting return to work
  • Facilitates timely return to work with improved employee readiness
  • Manages the practical implications of workplace re-entry
  • Increases employee success rates following their return to work

Our Approach

We use telephonic group classes and other tools to treat the psychosocial factors that hinder recovery and return to work, including:

  • A virtual classroom (six 90-minute group sessions): Goal-driven group coaching from specially trained clinicians. "The power of the group" helps participants find mutual support, compare experiences, and discuss individual problem-solving and goal-setting.
  • Seminars on behavioral health: Strategies for effective problem-solving, stress reduction, communication, time management and coping with change
  • Relaxation and wrap-up: Sessions end with relaxation exercises and a group wrap-up focusing on homework and goals for the next session.

MHN's Workplace Re-entry Program gets employees back to work more quickly and helps them succeed when they get there!