Language Assistance

Need help in your language?

Get helpful language services at no cost to you! (non-Medicare)

Organizational Guidance

When your organization is faced with a traumatic incident or struggling to help employees who are going through difficult times, MHN can help, with expert guidance from our experienced management consultants.

 Organizational Guidance

Management & Labor Consultations

Unlimited telephonic support from our management consultants (MCs) helps your managers and supervisors address difficult work performance issues, attendance problems, workplace violence, mental illness and more. The MCs provide professional, objective assessment and concrete recommendations for change. They can also assess the need for additional member or client services. With our guidance, your managers and supervisors are empowered to do their best.

Job Performance Referrals

Job Performance Referrals (JPRs) are a tool managers can use when they have underperforming employees whose performance issues seem to be the result of personal problems. Through the JPR, employees receive an assessment, help developing an action plan, and referrals to the appropriate services, such as EAP consultations (available face-to-face or via phone or web-video, depending on eligibility) or a chemical dependency/substance abuse program.

Critical Incident Response Services

Critical Incident Response Services

When employees face traumatic events such as natural disasters, industrial accidents or workplace death or violence, MHN can help you and your employees cope with the impact and return to normal functioning.

A generous number of critical incident response hours are included with our standard EAP solutions, but services are also available on a standalone basis. Learn more

Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse Referrals

If a manager or supervisor suspects an employee is struggling with a substance abuse issue, MHN can help. Included with standard EAP solutions or available as a standalone product, our services are provided in accordance with DOT guidelines for employees who fall under DOT regulations.

Included with EAP but also available as a standalone. Learn more

Workplace Re-Entry

Workplace Re-entry Program

Employees who return to work after an extended leave often have difficulty reengaging. MHN helps ease the transition, which can translate into increased productivity and lower disability and workers' compensation costs for employers. Learn more

Clinical Support Services

Clinical Support Services

MHN clinicians can provide one-on-one or small group clinical support on site to help employees cope effectively with chronic or residual stress - including stress associated with layoffs, mergers or other workplace incidents. Learn more