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Targeted Assistance Programs

Other Assistance Programs

MHN's Assistance Programs help people live better so they can be happy, healthy and productive. They also lower health care and disability costs. That's valuable not just for employer groups, but for all sorts of populations.

Fortunately, our flexible solutions allow us to offer tailored Assistance Programs to a broad range of organizations. We're committed to understanding your unique needs, developing the right solutions to meet those needs, and delivering real, measurable results.

Labor & Trust Organizations

Since 1979, MHN has delivered high-quality behavioral health care to union employers, Taft-Hartley Trust Funds, and other jointly managed health plans. Our experience and knowledge of both labor and management concerns have made us a valued partner of unions, management, members and their families. Over 90 percent of our labor and trust clients are Taft-Hartley Trust Funds, and much of our growth has come from the referrals of satisfied clients.

Our Assistance Programs for Labor & Trust are made up of the same building blocks as our EAP for commercial employers - clinical, work-life and wellness services for members, and client services for fund managers and supervisors - but are customized to meet the unique needs of your organization. Labor & Trust clients are served by account managers who specialize in labor accounts, and we provide an L&T-specific EAP member website and print materials (including flyers, workplace posters and articles) for your members.

Schools, Colleges & Universities

Students often struggle with stress and other emotional health issues, finances, and balancing a busy course load with other responsibilities. To help them succeed, schools began turning to MHN for help. In response, we developed a Student Assistance Program that adds student-specific services to the many EAP services that are already a perfect fit. Contact us for more information!

Tribes and Member-Based Associations

As MHN developed wellness services to complement its basic Assistance Program services, groups with high incidence of conditions that can be prevented, mitigated or managed by MHN have asked us to develop comprehensive total health management solutions for their populations. For example, we include weight management coaching and substance abuse counseling for groups struggling with high rates of obesity and alcoholism.

Whatever your population, we encourage you to read all about our EAP solution and other products and services. Just keep in mind-we're experts at customizing our Assistance Programs to meet the needs of those we serve. At MHN, it's about you.

To learn more, fill out our simple online Request-a-Quote form or contact us at or (800) 327-7526.