Provider Newsroom


Please contact MHN's Provider Relations Department at if you are opening or closing an office site where you see MHN members or to let us know if you will be unavailable to take MHN referrals for any period of time. We can then record this in our referral system. Keeping us informed in this way helps us offer the best possible service to our members - your clients.

Claims must be submitted within 120 days of the date of service. If you are billing for a block of sessions at one time, you must submit your billing form within 120 days of all dates of service included on that form. Claims received later than 120 days will be denied, and you may not balance bill the member for claims denied by MHN due to late submission.

MHN will routinely require clinical information for the following CPT codes:

  • 90870 Electroconvulsive Therapy, Single
  • 90871 ECT- Multiple Seizures
  • 96118-96121 Neuropsychological Testing
  • 96101-96103 Psychological Testing

Please call MHN's Fraud and Abuse hotline at (800) 327-0566 if you suspect any fraudulent activities in connection with obtaining and/or payment of MHN benefits.