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Language Assistance

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Find a Provider

Please enter your member information and follow the screen prompts below to select a provider from our expansive network.

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Full and Equal Access Information

If your plan provides out of state coverage and you are needing providers outside of California, Oregon and Washington, please call MHN at 1-800-797-7016

Search by Telehealth

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Last Name, Group or Facility Name:

OR line

Search by Distance

Proximity, State and Zip Code are required

Proximity: Within miles of:
State and Zip Code:
Provides Telehealth Service:

OR line

Search by Provider Attributes and Location

State and one other field are required

Last Name, Group or Facility Name:
NPI Number:

(10 Numeric Digits in length)

License Number:
Admitting Facility (MDs only):

(Enter Hospital Name:)

Area Code:

(Please exclude suite and apartment numbers)

State and Zip Code:

Please Note: When using the option to show only providers accepting new patients, please keep in mind that we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of our data; however, because we receive daily changes that require our verification, some updates may not be reflected. To confirm that the provider you select serves your benefit plan and is accepting new patients, please contact MHN (at the number on your ID card or at 888-426-0030). Generally, most services do not require preauthorization. However, some benefits are only paid if they are preauthorized. Read more details about MHN's authorization process.

Can't find your Provider? Nominate your provider for the MHN network.