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Accepting New Patients

    Provides Telehealth Services


License Type, Number:

  • Psychologist
  • 30451

Office Hours:

  • Monday 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM
  • Tuesday 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
  • Wednesday 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM
  • Thursday 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
  • Friday 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM

National Provider Identifier (NPI):

  • 1518422161

Electronic Prescribing:

  •  No


  • Female

Languages Spoken by Provider:

  • English

Office Staff Languages:

  • English

Email Address:


 Accessibility :

Near Public Transit:

  •  No


  • Adults
  • Couples/Marriage Therapy
  • First Responders
  • Grief/Bereavement
  • Military Lifestyle Issues
  • Telemedicine (Video)
  • Training/Consultation

See any inaccurate details above?  Please send us a correction, email us at or call us at 1-888-327-0010.

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Please Note: When using the option to show only providers accepting new patients, please keep in mind that we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of our data; however, because we receive daily changes that require our verification, some updates may not be reflected. To confirm that the provider you select serves your benefit plan and is accepting new patients, please contact MHN (at the number on your ID card or at 888-426-0030). Generally, most services do not require preauthorization. However, some benefits are only paid if they are preauthorized. Read more details about MHN's authorization process.

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Below is information used in the provider directory to indicate accessibility at a provider office or building site. This information is not a guarantee you will find total accessibility at the location. Since disabilities and related needs vary, we suggest you call the doctor's office to discuss your specific access requirements.

Accessibility Requirements:

Basic : (P,IB,EB,R,E)

Limited : Facility is missing one or more of the five accessibility requirements.

Indicator Definition Criteria
P Parking Parking spaces, including van accessible space(s), are accessible. Pathways have curb ramps between the parking lot, office, and at drop off locations.
EB Exterior Building Curb ramps and other ramps to the building are wide enough for a wheelchair or scooter user.Handrails are provided on both sides of the ramp.Doors open wide enough to let a wheelchair or scooter user enter, and have handles that are easy to use.
IB Interior Building Doors open wide enough to let a wheelchair or scooter user enter, and have handles that are easy to use. Interior ramps are wide enough and have handrails. Stairs,if present, have handrails.The elevator has easy to hear sounds and Braille buttons within reach.The elevator has enough room for a wheelchair or scooter user to turn around. If there is a platform lift, it can be used without help.
R Restroom The restroom is accessible and the doors are wide enough to accomodate a wheelchair ar scooter and are easy to open.The restroom has enough room for a wheelchair or scooter to turn around and close the door.There are grab bars which allow easy transfer from wheelchair to toilet.The sink is easy to get to and the faucets,soap,and toilet paper are easy to reach and use.
E Exam room The entrance to the exam room is accessible,with a clear path.The doors open wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair or scooter and are easy to open.The exam room has enough room for a wheelchair or scooter to turn around.
T Exam table/scale The exam table moves up and down and the scale is accessible with handrails to assist people with wheelchairs and scooters.The weight scale is able to accommodate a wheelchair.

Health Net does not and cannot guarantee the initial or continued availability of any participating provider and/or accessibility requirement. The current provider and/or accessibility status can be obtained by calling Health Net's Member Services Department at 1-800-675-6110.