Language Assistance

Need help in your language?

Get helpful language services at no cost to you! (non-Medicare)

Claims & Claim Inquiries

MHN strives to provide timely claims payment and fast and friendly response to claims inquiries.

Remember, there are no claims to file when you use an MHN network provider. Click here for additional reasons to use a network provider.

Out-of-Network Claims

When you visit an out-of-network provider, you usually have to pay the provider's bill at the time of service and then file a claim for reimbursement. To do so, please print and complete this form -- CMS (HCFA) 1500 - attach the receipt(s) for the provider's services, and mail it to:

MHN Claims
P.O. Box 14621
Lexington, KY 40512-4621

Before you complete the form, please read these detailed instructions in full. Claims that are not filled out completely may be contested or denied.

Claims Questions or Problems?

Call (800) 444-4281 or submit an inquiry by completing our quick and easy online Claims Research & Review Form.